Fortnite Cards Examples

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Noice is the platform where your community gets to play with you! Through our Prediction game, your community can see if they can predict what you are going to do next! You can choose to encourage this by asking them what they need or simply play your way and know your audience is engaged in your gameplay.  

This guide will go over the Noice Prediction game and show you how this works from a players perspective. 


Card info

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Starting points of Card | Maximum points the card can Reach | Card Name |Card Prediction | Card Level


Starting Points
This is the point amount that will be immediately available to be scored. If you were to play a card and the prediction would happen on Stream almost instantly, you'd score this amount of points. 

Maximum points
Cards can only reach points to their maximum amount. After this, only certain boosters can increase the points possible to score from the card.

This helps you to identify which card is which. 

By far the most important information on the card. This is what needs to happen on Stream for you to score the points displayed on the Card. Cards gain points when they're in play.

Levels increase the minimum and maximum points of Cards. You gain card levels by acquiring duplicates of the same card. Leveling happens automatically once you hit the required amount.


Card Types

Several card types are available for predicting your in-game actions. Each type functions differently, so select the one that aligns with your predictions the best.

Standard Cards

The #Mason card has a goal of the streamer collecting 500 Bricks on Stream. These are updated whenever Bricks are collected, so the prediction starts the moment the card is in play. 

The card gains points slowly until it is scored at the MAX points displayed on the card. There is no fail condition for the #Mason card, which makes it a very easy card to play!  

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Cards with fail condition

The #Rifler card sets a goal for the streamer: to eliminate or knock out an enemy using a DMR.

This card will remain active only until the next encounter with an enemy. In essence, it comes with both a success condition and a fail condition. If the streamer fails to secure their next elimination with a DMR, no points will be awarded, and the card will be considered a failure.

After such a failure, you will have the opportunity to make a new prediction!


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All or Nothing Cards

The #Strategist card is one of the All or Nothing cards, this means you'll be able to double down on the score every time the condition is met. For the #Strategist card this means every 60 seconds of no damage taken by the Streamer, you can double the points OR choose to cash in the points. 

If the Streamer does take damage with #Strategist in play, the card fails. This means you won't score any points from it. Regardless of what level it was at.

Points increase play by play

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Match Cards

Near the end of the match, new cards become available. The Match cards are predictions on how the match will end, you'll be able to pick between #Victory and #Laugh it up cards. If the Streamer wins the game and you had Victory Royale in play, you'll be scoring big.

However, these both cards also feature a fail condition and a match card be only chosen once per match, so make your pick wisely!

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Streamer Cards

The Streamer  cards are special versions of normal cards. They have the same success and failure conditions and they're the same type (e.g. Normal Cards, Match Cards, AoN cards). Streamer cards can only be used on the Streamers channel. 

All successful Streamer cards score +10% extra points!

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It's more than just playing, it's sharing the adventure with your viewers in a unique and entertaining way. So, give Noice a try and enjoy the thrill of playing alongside your community.