OBS Studio
Currently Noice only supports streaming with OBS Studio version 28+. If you do not have OBS studio installed or you have an older version, download the latest version from https://obsproject.com/.
Note: In order to stream and enable The Prediction game on Noice, you will have to install The Noice Plugin https://github.com/noice-com/obs-noice/releases |
OBS setup for Noice Plugin
Before you install it, please make sure your OBS is closed. Installer file (Windows) instructions
- After downloading the file, choose Keep from the dropdown menu to keep the installer file on your drive after the download is completed.
- Open the installer, and if you see a blue warning window like the one below, click More Info and then Run anyway to continue the installation.
- Follow the installation wizard to install the plugin
Alternatively, you can use a ZIP file (Windows) with instructions
- Open the ZIP file
- Copy data and obs-plugins folders by using the Extract option
- Browse to your OBS-Studio install location (default: C:\Program Files\obs-studio)
- Paste and merge the copied content with the existing files/folders
Note: If you are using macOS, please use this guide: How to use OBS (macOS) |
After you have installed the plugin, you can start OBS Studio. You should see a Noice menu item in the top bar.
OBS Setup for New Streamers
Add a new Scene for the game you are going to be playing
Step 1
Press the + button highlighted under the scenes section.
Step 2
Type in the name of the game this will be used for. Example “Fortnite”
Add Noice Validator to your scene
Step 3
In order for the Prediction game to work properly you should add Noice Validator as a source.
Open a scene that you use in-game and add Noice Validator as a new source to your scene.
Step 4
Click OK to create the validator.
Step 5
Double click on the Noice Validator Source.
Choose a game you want to stream on Noice from the dropdown menu.
Step 6
Check both Show all Noice regions and Show all OBS source candidates checkboxes to show all sources and click okay.
Setup your sources for your webcam and game capture
Step 1
Click the + on the Sources panel.
Step 2
To setup your webcam, you need to select Video Capture Device.
Then click ok on the Create/Select Source pop-up window.
Step 3
Double-click on the Video Capture Device source
Step 4
Choose your camera device from the drop-down list and then click ok
Now your webcam is set up!
Step 5
Next, we will set up your screen for streaming; press the + on the sources panel
Step 6
Next, select Game Capture from the list
Then press ok on the Create/Select Source pop-up window
Validate your source positions
You should now see all of your sources displayed as rectangular shapes in the Noice Validator window as well as Noice regions marked with a different color.
In order for the Noice prediction game to function properly, sources on top of the game cannot overlap with the Noice regions. An overlapping source will blink to indicate a conflict with a region.
Move or resize overlapping sources to positions where the rectangles stop blinking to resolve the conflicts.
When none of the sources are blinking, you are ready to stream.
Audio Settings
Adding Mic Filters to OBS:
To add mic filters to OBS, you just need to follow the steps below:
Step 1. Right-click on "Mic/Aux" in OBS. A menu will appear, select "Filters" from the list.
Step 2. Click the "+" icon to access the list of available OBS filters. Filters that cannot be applied won't be displayed..
Step 3. Choose from the built-in OBS filters or add filters through plugins.
Afterward, you can proceed to configure the filters as needed.
Configure Compressor
A compressor can enhance your audio quality by reducing loud sounds, making your voice more consistent. When it comes to the best compressor settings, individual preferences vary depending on your microphone and setup.
Therefore, it's advisable to experiment with different settings to find what works best for you. Below, we explain the key compressor settings:
- Compressor Ratio: Controls the amount of compression applied to the microphone.
- Threshold: Sets the level at which the compressor activates.
- Attack: Determines how quickly the compressor engages once triggered.
- Release: Specifies how rapidly the compressor disengages.
- Output Gain: Adjusts the volume boost applied to the output.
Now, you can simply adjust these settings to achieve the desired sound quality.
Configuring the Noise Gate
The Noise Gate is a valuable tool for eliminating background noise, such as environmental sounds. When configuring this setting, ensure that your microphone picks up no audio when you're not speaking. The Mic/Aux visual indicator in OBS should remain silent during quiet moments.
Next, you can fine-tune the settings as indicated in the image. If you're unfamiliar with the terms used in the image, refer to the explanations below:
- Close Threshold: Mutes sounds below this level.
- Open Threshold: Allows sounds above this level to be heard.
Note: The "Close Threshold" should be slightly higher than the "Open Threshold" to effectively eliminate background noise while capturing your voice clearly. |
Configure the Noise Suppression Filter
This filter is used to remove smaller background noises such as sounds from your equipment. Once you have chosen to add Noise Suppression within OBS, you may be able to choose from "Speex" and "RNNoise".
Just test these two different methods to see which one is most suitable for you. We suggest you adjust the suppression level to -30dB as it generally works well with most devices.
Configure the Gain Filter
The Gain filter is used to boost volume if your voice is too quiet or reduce gain if necessary.
For newcomers, the default settings should suffice. However, you can adjust the settings according to your preferences.
Note: Gradually adjust these settings to avoid audio distortion, which can diminish audio quality. |
Output settings
For the best possible streaming experience, here are guidelines on how to set your output settings. Open Settings in OBS Studio and go to the Output page.
Change Output Mode from Simple to Advanced
If you have a NVENC supported GPU, we recommend using it as the encoder. Otherwise use Software encoding (x264/H.264).
We recommend to use at least 6000 and then up to like 9000 Kbps as your bitrate when streaming on Noice. Here are the recommended settings for streaming using Advanced:
To find out if you have a NVENC supported GPU please check this:
Link to search exact name of your graphics card:
Nvidia link:
Max B-frames
Max B-frames in OBS control the use of bidirectional frames, which improve video quality at lower bitrates but will add latency. Setting it to 0 disables B-frames, reducing delay but requiring more bitrate for similar quality.
To disable B-frames in OBS Streamlabs, go to Settings > Output > Streaming > Scroll to the bottom.
- For Nvidia NVENC or AMD encoders, set "Max B-frames" to 0.
- For the x264 encoder, under Advanced Output Mode, add "bframes=0" in the "x264 Options."
Video Settings
Open Settings in OBS Studio and go to the Video page.
- Game should have resolution 16:9.
- You should stream 1080p ( Resolution 1920x1080) from OBS.
- FPS should be 30 or 60 fps, based on your hardware performance capability.
- Turn on OBS plugin to see where you can place your camera or any other overlay.
Other recommended game settings:
- Hud scale >= 80%.
- The game screen should take full area of your streaming canvas (no black bars).
- The game screen should not be cropped - make sure that you stream the full game screen.
- Game language - English.
- No colorblind mode.
Monitor Refresh Rate:
Your monitor's refresh rate refers to how many times per second it can display a new frame. Common refresh rates are 60Hz, 120Hz, and 144Hz, with some high-end monitors offering even higher refresh rates. A higher refresh rate provides smoother and more responsive gameplay, but it's essential to select a refresh rate that your monitor can support.
In-Game FPS:
Your in-game frame rate (Frames Per Second or FPS) represents how many individual images or frames your graphics card can render per second. It's crucial to adjust your in-game settings to achieve a frame rate that matches or is a multiple of your monitor's refresh rate. For example, if you have a 60Hz monitor, aim for a stable 60 FPS or 120 FPS in your games.
Why Synchronization Matters:
- Reduced Screen Tearing: When your in-game FPS is out of sync with your monitor's refresh rate, you may encounter screen tearing. This issue occurs when your monitor displays parts of multiple frames simultaneously, leading to a disjointed and distracting visual experience. Synchronization helps reduce or eliminate screen tearing.
- Improved Smoothness: When your in-game FPS matches your monitor's refresh rate, the motion on your stream will appear smoother and more fluid. Viewers will appreciate the seamless experience.
- Reduced Resource Strain: Keeping your in-game FPS in check with your monitor's refresh rate can also help reduce the strain on your computer's resources. This can lead to better overall performance, lower CPU and GPU usage, and fewer dropped frames in your stream.
To adjust FPS settings in most games to sync with your monitor's refresh rate:
- Launch the game and access in-game settings.
- Look for "Graphics" “Video” or "Display" settings.
- Set the monitor's refresh rate (Hz) to match your monitor.
- Find an "FPS" or "Frame Rate Limit" option.
- Set the in-game FPS limit to match your monitor's refresh rate (e.g., 60 FPS for a 60Hz monitor).
- Apply changes and resume play
Stream Settings
Open Settings in OBS Studio and go to the Stream page.
- Choose Noice RTMPS from the Service dropdown menu
- Set Server to Automatic / Default
- Go to Stream Settings on Noice Studio and copy your Noice Stream Key to the Stream Key field in OBS Stream settings.
- Click OK to save the settings.
Noice Studio is where you can manage your channel settings and monitor your live stream.
Note: For a full overview on how to use Noice Studio, please use this guide: How to use Noice Studio |