How to use with Noice


This guide will help you use through OBS while you are streaming on Noice. 

📍Below are the 3 different ways to use through OBS. 

  • Using in OBS through a connected account;
  • Using in OBS without a connected account;
  • Using in OBS with a custom service.

Using in OBS through a connected account

1. Load up OBS and go to settings; 
2. From there, you will need to click on Stream and select the service

Loged In ( account) .png

3. Next, you will need to select your server from the drop-down list. We recommend that if you are streaming from Europe, you choose EU-Central; if you are streaming from the USA, you choose US-Central; and if you are streaming from Asia, you choose the Australia server; 

image (1).png


Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 15.21.54.png


Using in OBS without a connected account


1. Load up OBS and go to settings; 
From there, you will need to click on Stream and select the service;

3. Then you will need to click Use Stream Key:

image (1).png

4. Next, you will need to select your server from the drop-down list. We recommend that if you are streaming from Europe, you choose EU-Central; if you are streaming from the USA, you choose US-Central; and if you are streaming from Asia, you choose the Australia server: 

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 13.50.34.png

5. To obtain your stream key, you will need to log in to -;


6. Click on the Connect to OBS button:

image (2).png

7. You can copy your stream key from here and paste it into OBS:


You are good to go!


Using in OBS with a custom service

1. Load up OBS and go to settings; 
From there, you will need to click on Stream and select the service Custom:

image (8).png

3. To obtain the server details and your stream key, you will need to log in to -;

4. Click on the Connect to OBS button;

image (2).png

5. Then click the Stream Settings in the bottom right screen;

image (6).png

6. Next, you will need to select your server from the drop-down list;

Important: If you are streaming from Europe, you choose EU-Central; if you are streaming from the USA, you choose US-Central; and if you are streaming from Asia, you choose the Australia server: 

image (7).png

7. Copy the RTMP URL of the server and paste this in the server field in OBS. Then copy the Stream Key and paste this into OBS. 


How to add Noice as a channel/destination in

1. Log into webpage

Screenshot 2024-05-30 142255 (1).png

2. Click on the "Edit Destinations" button

Screenshot 2024-05-30 141357 (1).png

3. From the popup click "Add Channels"

Screenshot 2024-05-30 141418 (1).png

4. At the bottom of the "Platforms" popup, click the "Custom RTMP" button

Screenshot 2024-05-30 141432.png

5. In the Custom RTMP popup, add the following details:

RTMP URL: rtmp://

Stream key: This is located in your Noice Studio under Settings -> Stream section

Screenshot 2024-05-30 141549.png

6. Once you have filled in these fields you can click "Add Channel"

7. Now click on the "Connect to OBS, Zoom..." button and then toggle the Custom RTMP channel on.

Screenshot 2024-05-30 141912.png


Next time you stream to it will automatically cast your stream to Noice.

You are good to go!

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