Gifting Subscriptions to the Community

Ever wanted to share a month’s worth of perks with your community? 

This feature is available on both desktop and mobile web. Even if the stream has ended and you can’t sleep, you can still send a gift by visiting the offline channel page.

You’ll always be able to find it - just look for this gift box icon:  perf08-29 at 16.31.07.png

You can find the Gift Button at the bottom right corner of the screen just under the video player, as shown in the screenshot below.
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Gift Anonymously:

If you choose to gift anonymously, your username won’t be shown in the channel or in the email sent to the recipient. An email is only sent if the user is offline when they receive the gift.

Note: When you select "Gift 1 Sub," the subscription is randomly assigned to a community member using our gift sub delivery mechanism. If you'd prefer to gift a specific person, simply follow the existing process by selecting their name from the chat and gifting directly.

How Are Gifts Distributed?

Gifts are distributed with a focus on active members of the channel community. We take steps to avoid gifting to troll accounts and continually work to improve our distribution process to ensure gifts go to the most deserving recipients.

Gift Badge tiers along with their corresponding icons:

  • Gifter Badge Level 1
  • Gifter Badge Level 5
  • Gifter Badge Level 10
  • Gifter Badge Level 25
  • Gifter Badge Level 50
  • Gifter Badge Level 100
  • Gifter Badge Level 250

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